
Online Projector Deblurring Using a Convolutional Neural Network

  • We proposed CNN-based online projector deblurring.

    Projector deblurring is an important technology for dynamic projection mapping (PM), where the distance between a projector and a projection surface changes in time. However, conventional projector deblurring techniques do not support dynamic PM because they need to project calibration patterns to estimate the amount of defocus blur each time the surface moves. We present a deep neural network that can compensate for defocus blur in dynamic PM. The primary contribution of this paper is a unique network structure that consists of an extractor and a generator. The extractor explicitly estimates a defocus blur map and a luminance attenuation map. These maps are then injected into the middle layers of the generator network that computes the compensation image. We also propose a pseudo-projection technique for synthesizing physically plausible training data, considering the geometric misregistration that potentially happens in actual PM systems. We conducted simulation and actual PM experiments and confirmed that: (1) the proposed network structure is more suitable than a simple, more general structure for projector deblurring; (2) the network trained with the proposed pseudo-projection technique can compensate projection images for defocus blur artifacts in dynamic PM; and (3) the network supports the translation speed of the surface movement within a certain range that covers normal human motions.

  • 投稿先

    IEEE TVCG (Proceedings of IEEE VR 2022, Invited to SIGGPRAH 2022)

  • メンバー

    Yuta Kageyama, Daisuke Iwai, Kosuke Sato (Osaka University)